About showfps.com

Welcome to our awesome gaming support crew! We get it - gaming settings can be a bit of a maze sometimes, but fear not, because we're here to help you out every step of the way.

Whether you're aiming for that perfect headshot, fine-tuning your mouse sensitivity, or searching for the ultimate monitor, we've got you covered.

It doesn't matter if you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, our goal is to ensure you have the best time possible.
Gaming is all about the thrills, laughs, and unforgettable moments with friends - and we're here to crank up that excitement to the max! Got questions? Need advice? Just want to geek out over your latest gaming win?

Don't hesitate to hit us up. We're here to hype you up, share tips, and make every gaming session an absolute blast. Let's team up and make your gaming experience legendary!

Here's what you can find on our website: